Deposit SSL Certificate

In the following, we will show you how to store an SSL certificate in Plesk.

First of all we log in to our Plesk instance - in our example this is Here we should be able to view our existing domains. Now we click on SSL/TLS Certificates for the domain where we want to store an SSL certificate.

Then we can edit existing SSL certificates, remove them or create new ones. In our case, we go to "Download or remove existing certificates" on Manage and then on Add SSL/TLS certificate.


After that, a window opens where we can upload our existing certificate files. On the page, we first need to fill in all the fields marked with a * (red star). Then we select our private key (.key), our certificate (.crt) and the CA certificate (.ca.crt) under the item Upload certificate files and then click on Upload certificate.

The certificate has now been successfully uploaded. Alternatively, at the bottom of the page you have the option of manually inserting the contents of the certificate files.
